Look and Feel of the coverdale E-Academy

Course Overview
You can book the courses directly through our office.
As soon as you have paid the course fee, we will activate the link to the course. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
New Work
Change management

The central task for leaders in these turbulent times is to provide orientation and to ensure the optimal achievement of goals.
In this training, we will shed light on our reaction patterns to change and work on how people react in change processes and how to deal constructively with resistance without losing sight of the goal of the change.
You will also learn how to properly set up and manage change processes after we have developed a meaningful, emotional image of a change vision.
Participants have the opportunity to reflect on their change processes and develop ideas for improvement.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Definitions
- The Beckhard-Harris Change Equation
- Openness for Change
- Quiz I
- The Change Curve
- A Change Story
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- The “new“ Kotter Model
- The Krüger 5-Phase Model
- Business Cases I and II
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
The role of emotions in change processes
- Self-reflection
- What motivates to change
- Quiz III
Managing change processes professionally
- Establishing a Change process
- I have a dream …
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
Develop an openness to change
- Successful change principles for the 21st century
- The process of continuous self-renewal
- Quiz V
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Emotional Leadership

People with high emotional intelligence effortlessly recognise their feelings, control their reactions and build positive interactions with others. This ability leads to success both in and out of the office. Emotional intelligence is worth refining.
In this course, you will first find out what emotional intelligence is. Then, you will learn how to increase your emotional intelligence skills by strengthening your personal and social skills. You will also learn how to develop as a leader by developing your skills in emotional leadership.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- What is Emotional Intelligence
- My personal Emotional Intelligence
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
personal competencies
- Strengthening self-awareness
- Strengthen self-regulation
- Increasing self-motivation
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
Social Competencies
- Self-reflection
- Promoting social competences
- Quiz I
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
Emotional Leadership
- Goleman’s definitions
- The leadership styles at a glance
The resonant leadership styles
- The visionary leadership style
- The coaching leadership style
- The democratic leadership style
- The affiliative leadership style
The dissonant leadership styles
- The coordinating leadership style
- The authoritarian leadership style
- Quiz II
Emotional Leadership – Master-Class
- Leading with emotional competence
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
- Summary
Design Thinking

Design Thinking is an approach to work that should lead to solving problems and developing new ideas that are convincing from the user’s perspective.
You will learn the basics of Design Thinking step by step. You will experience how a Design Thinking micro process works and which essential tools are helpful to come to creative ideas.
We rely on the Coverdale method of experiential learning and work with practical projects of the participants. We also show how the individual iterations come together to form the big picture of the Design Thinking macro process.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- How innovation emerges….
- Fundamentals
- Design Thinking in 60 minutes (only in Blended-Learning)
- Quiz I
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- The process
- Design Thinking Challenge
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Working with persona
- Point of View
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Finding ideas
- Clustering ideas
- Prototyping
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Successful Decision-making

People with high decision-making competence decide quickly between different possible options and realise their self-set, creative goals. If no criteria are available, these people use their value framework and experience background as a basis and focus on the essentials.
In this training, you will learn different techniques for decision-making and tools of the first and second order. These include consent, consensus or negative consensus, pro-contra lists, pair comparison and much more.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Fundamentals
- Different ways of Decision-making
Tools for 1st order decisions
- Decision-making tools in list-form
- Decision-making tools based on pair comparison
- Decision-making tools in Matrix-Form
- Making decisions based on scenarios
- Decision tree – Diagrams
- Quiz I
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
Tools for 2ND ORDER decisions
- Using the Coverdale Aims Grid as a Decision-making tool
- Exercise – Make the right decision (only in Blended-Learning)
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Personal values and decisions
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Effectuation
- Task Effectuation (only in Blended-Learning)
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)

Communicating with others is a beautiful way to create closeness and an excellent opportunity to get into trouble. Most of our communication takes place on an emotional level. The sending person packages their message into a signal (usually words), and the receiving person interprets what she has heard to the best of their ability. Even Paul Watzlawick said, “You cannot not communicate.”
In this training, we look at different communication models and determine how successful communication is structured so that it works for both the sender and receiver. Conscious learning from experience is encouraged through a structured “review” after each task.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Communicating successfully as a leader
- Sender-Receiver Model
- Briefing for Coaching I
- Quiz I
- Introduction
- You can not not communicate
- Communication has a factual and relationship aspect
- Communication can be analogue or digital
- Communication is always cause and effect
- Communication between people is symmetrical or complementary
- Quiz II
- The model: “The four sides of a message”
- The Communication Square
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended Learning)
- Briefing for Coaching II
- Fundamentals
- Yes/No questions
- Open questions
- Manipulating with questions
- Quiz IV
- Systemic thinking and attitude
- Changing perspective as a method
- Solution focus in communication
- Solution-focussed questions
- Solution-focussed conversation
- Quiz V
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended Learning)
- Briefing for Coaching III
- Fundamentals
- Active listening
- Quiz VI
- Using appropriate language
- “I” and “you” messages
- Non-violent communication
- Quiz VII
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended Learning)
- Briefing for Coaching IV
- Feedback – praise and criticism
- Formulating complaints constructively
- Conversation guide
- Exercise – An unfortunate customer complaint
- Quiz VIII
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended Learning)
Conflict management

Conflicts and the right way to deal with them should be part of everyday life in a company. Handled correctly, they release energy that promotes rather than hinders team cooperation.
It is essential to recognise conflicts in time, to deal with them promptly, and to find solutions for the problem that has arisen. This training was designed especially for beginners in conflict resolution.
You will learn to recognise conflicts, analyse them correctly, assess them and deal with them so that all sides can live with the negotiated solution.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
- Definition of conflict
- Causes of conflicts
- Conflict handling modes
- Quiz I
- Conflict analysis
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- Toolbox for conflict analysis
- Conflict (De-)Escalation
- Exercise “Turf War” I (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Conflict Analysis Questions
- Quiz II
CONFLIcT Resolution
- Working with conflict issues
- Exercise “Turf war” II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Phases of a conflict management process
- Quiz III
- Conflict management procedures
- Exercise II – Solution-focused approach (only in Blended-Learning)
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)

We understand facilitation as the support of groups to make the best use of all resources. This support usually takes place at the process level. Facilitators provide groups with methods, tools, and skills that enable the other group members to focus on the content of the task.
In this course, you will learn how to facilitate meetings and workshops in a way that helps groups achieve the desired outcome. We focus on facilitation settings for meetings using analogue and electronic facilitation tools.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Definitions
- Aiming
- Meeting process
- The Facilitator’s role
- The Facilitation process
- Quiz I
- Status meeting / Stand-up
- Decision-making meeting
- Project Kick-off
- Review / Retro
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- Development workshop
- Problem-solving workshop
- Team retreat
- (De)-Escalation-workshop
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
Basic Techniques CRASH course
- Flipchart and Accessories
- The Metaplan / Post-it method
- Online Collaboration tools
- Meeting platforms
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Warm-up
- Finding ideas
- Evaluating and editing ideas
- Working with problem-analysis schemes
- Tools for team retreats
- Design Thinking
- Dynamic Facilitation
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Presentation Skills

Effective presentation skills are key to success in today’s business world. Discover the secrets of successful presenters, master impressive visual design, and enhance your persuasive speaking abilities.
Whether you are presenting to a small team or a large conference, this course will give you the confidence and tools to shine in any situation. Prepare to deliver your message with impact and confidence, and learn how advanced presentation techniques can transform your professional journey.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
table of contents
- Introduction
- Speech
- Lecture
- Presentation
- Quiz I
The Message of the presentation
- Introduction
- Define the target group
- Define the presentation aim
- Formulating the key message
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
The Structure of the presentation
- Bring structure to your presentation
- The five-sentence method
- Opener, “closer” and S.T.A.R. moment
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Working with visual aids
- The basics of visualization
- Presenting data
- Design and organize slides in a structured way
The Technology
- Presentation Software
- Use slide docs as a handout
- Quiz IV
Modern presentation approaches
- Pecha Kucha
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
Voice – language – body language
- Body language
- Dealing with stage fright
Improve your skills
- Improve your presentation skills!
- Practicing your presentation
- Dealing with questions
- Quiz V
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Remote Leadership

As a virtual team manager, it is necessary to trust the employees’ willingness to perform and to give them the freedom to decide how to complete the work. At the same time, the manager needs to define the framework of cooperation with the team, such as regular communication and how to deal with unplanned requests.
In this training, we look at different collaboration settings and the demands they place on leadership. It is essential not to neglect the social aspects of working together in virtual environments. For example, one-on-one communication between managers and employees must happen in the same way in a virtual context.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
table of contents
- What Leadership really means
- The leader’s attitude
- Successfactors for Remote Leadership
- Quiz I
Technical Requirements
- IT Equipment
- The personal Appearance
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
organising the work
- Self-organisation
- Setting and pursuing aims
- Delegating tasks
- Task- or goal-oriented Leadership?
- Leading self-organised remote teams
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Organising remote communication
- Remote Meetings
- Bringing the personal level into play
- Quiz IV
- Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
- The limbic instructions and their influence on remote situations
- Quiz V
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Designing onboarding remotely
- Remote team development
- Managing difficult situations remotely
- Quiz VI
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)

In psychology, resilience describes people’s resistance to crises, trauma or significant stress.
In this course, participants look at their lives. We search for traces of which patterns each person has developed and how these influence everyday life.
In the second step, we work on strategies to sharpen our perception, actively replenish our energy resources and develop more resilience for crises through personal development.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Definitions
- Resilience Research
- The origin of the seven pillars of resilience
- Quiz I
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
the seven pillars of resilience
- Optimism
- Acceptance
- Solution-focused thinking
- Self-control
- Social commitment
- Taking responsibility
- Shaping the future
- Quiz II
- Assess your personal resilience
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Boost Self-confidence
- Managing your roles
- Reducing stress
- Biographical work
- Balancing the inner drivers
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
Inner Mindfulness
- Practising mindfulness
Building Resilience
- From self-awareness to self-leadership
- Setting Boundaries
- Managing conflicts actively
- Leveraging your network
- Quiz IV
Resilience Exercises
- Exercises
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Difficult Conversation

Difficult conversations always take place when there is a possibility that at least one side runs the risk of reacting emotionally to the content of the conversation. For example, it could be about delivering bad news, giving critical feedback, or addressing stressful topics for at least one side of the conversation.
In this course, you will learn how to act confidently and level-headedly in difficult conversation situations. During the training, you can prepare for upcoming conversations and reflect on conversations that have been unsatisfactory in the past.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
table of contents
- Fundamentals
- Filters in communication
- Quiz I
- The Case “School Development“ (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- The three-story approach
- Quiz II
a structured approach in difficult conversations
- The Case “The Group I” (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- A systematic approach
- The Case “The Group II” (only in Blended-Learning)
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
Handling Emotions constructively
- Emotions
- Self-image
- Non-violent communication
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Self- and Time management

Self-leadership is an internal process in which we deal more frequently, intensively and systematically with our person, personal issues and our lives. Self-organisation is a process that involves creating structures for our daily routine, designing processes and complex tasks, and managing our use of time. You must develop your ability to self-organise continuously; no patent remedy exists.
In this course, you will learn time and self-management tools and experience the essential elements of successful self-leadership.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Definition Self-Management
- Definition Time Management
- Quiz I
- Fighting time thieves successfully
- Minimising interferences
- The Eisenhower method
- The Pareto Principle – the 80:20 rule
- Five steps to better time management
- The „Getting things done”- method
- Modern time management approaches
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- The seven steps to strategic self-management
- Stress
- Developing stress intelligence
- Burnout
- Inner drivers
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
Strengthening self-awareness
- Awareness and inner mindfulness
- Heart-coherence exercises
- Relaxation
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- The Rubicon Process
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Negotiation skills

Negotiations are among the most demanding tasks of everyday professional life. Often the line between failure and success is narrow and depends decisively on personal and professional appearance. Insufficient preparation, incorrect formulations or unclear agreements can quickly lead to difficult situations that cost money and weaken your professional position.
In this course, you will learn about the different forms of negotiation. We will show you how to prepare talks consistently and conduct them in a structured manner thanks to the four Harvard principles, aiming to reach workable agreements cooperatively. You will experiment with negotiation cases and learn how to make negotiations a win-win situation for both sides.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Fundamentals
- Consensus or Compromise
- Quiz I
- The Case I – Harley Shovelhead (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
Positional negotiation
- Bargaining
- Quiz II
Interest-based negotiation according to Harvard
- The Harvard concept
- The best alternative to a negotiated agreement – Plan B
- The Case II – Fir tree Drive (only in Blended-Learning)
- Example: Salary Negotiation
- A systematic approach in the negotiation
- The Case III – Aigner’s garage (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Negotiation arena
- Quiz III
- Negotiation strategies
- Emotions and how to resolve Stalemate Situations
- Negotiation tricks
- Analyse your case (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Goal-oriented Leadership

Goal-oriented leadership is a competence that managers need to complete their daily tasks. When managers pass on goals to employees, they have to decide how much freedom the employee should have, how experienced the employee is, and how freely and independently the employee can work.
In this course, you will learn about the Coverdale Aims Grid – a tool to define goals even in complex situations. We will also look at management systems for organising goals.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Definition
- Aiming
- A systematic approach
- Quiz I
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- The delegation process
Negotiating aims
- Using the Coverdale Aims Grid as a decision-making tool
Working with complex aims
- Working with aims hierarchies
- Quiz II
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Aiming concepts
- Management by objectives – MIRO
- Objectives and Key Results – OKR
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- Working when the future is uncertain…
- Quiz IV
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)
Working together

Well-functioning cooperation between employees, departments, and divisions guarantees that companies are flexible and effective long-term. Social competencies regulate the interaction with each other and are the lubricant in collaboration. Process competencies serve to work effectively and efficiently towards common goals.
In this course, you will learn simple, very effective management tools of cooperation through practical application.
Cost, platform and booking information
You can book the course directly through our office.
Once you have paid the course fee, we will activate the course link. Your licence is valid for 365 days after the first log-in.
The courses run on the Coverdale E-Academy, a Moodle platform, and are available in English or German.
Price per e-learning course: € 236,-
Price per blended learning course: € 1.706,-
Table of contents
- Fundamentals
- Formulas to define aims
- Exercise – Quotes
- The Coverdale Aims Grid
- Aiming Exercise I
- Aiming Exercise II
- Online Coaching I (only in Blended-Learning)
- Task – Posters (only in Blended-Learning)
- Online Coaching II (only in Blended-Learning)
- Aims Hierarchy
- Working with criteria
- Who can be “customer”?
- Quiz I
- A systematic approach
- Online Coaching III (only in Blended-Learning)
- The cyclic systematic approach
- Working with reviews
- Planning time
- Transfer Exercise
- Quiz II
Team development
- Team Development
- Quiz III
- Online Coaching IV (only in Blended-Learning)