blog – artiClES
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Coalition Negotiations at a Crossroads: How Strong is the Parties’ BATNA?
The ongoing coalition negotiations offer a fascinating case study in negotiation strategy. At a critical juncture, discussions are no longer just about policy but also about power distribution. Posturing and veiled threats are rising, making the possibility of failure...
Failure of Coalition Negotiations in Austria: A Case Study in Negotiation Skills
The recent failure of coalition negotiations in Austria is more than just a political debacle—it serves as a textbook example of how complex negotiation situations cannot be resolved through mere compromise strategies. What went wrong, and what lessons can be drawn?...
Book review: Generation Unfit for Work
In his latest book, Generation Unfit for Work: How Young People Force Us to Rethink Work and Society, published in April 2024, Rüdiger Maas, founder of the Institute for Generational Research in Augsburg, examines the challenges and misunderstandings surrounding...
Work hacks: Bridging Generations at Work
“Generation, in a sociocultural context, refers to a large group of people within a society who share similar experiences, values, and behaviours due to specific historical or cultural influences.” Wikipedia For leaders, the key to managing a multigene rational...
Generation Gap? How to Strengthen Your Team Through Diversity
“The youth of today love luxury, have bad manners, disregard authority, contradict their parents, cross their legs, and tyrannize their teachers.” Socrates (470-399 BC) Tension between young and old has been a recurring theme for millennia—and the workplace is no...
Case Study: Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast:
The Wild Card for Cross-Generational Employee Retention Current labor market dynamics present significant challenges for businesses nationally and internationally. On one hand, there is a severe shortage of skilled workers, particularly in sectors such as IT,...
Book review: Effective leadership with systems theory
by Timm Richter and Torsten Groth, Carl Auer 2023, 188 pages Working systemically as a manager? That's not possible, I'm part of the system! Those were my first thoughts when I read the title of the book. In their joint book, Timm Richter and Torsten Groth...
So close and yet so far away?
Have today's managers already incorporated distance leadership into their DNA? There is no doubt that our working world has changed since the coronavirus and the associated lockdowns. The term "place of work" has taken on a whole new dimension: working from home and...
My birthday in effectuation mode
or "When life offers you lemons, make lemonade." Effectuation In an increasingly less "predictable" and "foreseeable" environment, causal logic is no longer always helpful in achieving predetermined/agreed goals. The effectuation approach gives us a more flexible...
Conflict management: the art of constructive communication
Conflicts are a natural part of human coexistence. They often reflect a variety of opinions, needs, and emotions. But how does our perception change when we are involved in a conflict? And what impact does this have on our communication? In a conflict, we tend to see...
Work hacks: Collaboration – Success Factor Cooperation
In the study "Collaboration—Success Factor Cooperation," the management consultancy Staufen and Staufen. Valuestreamer surveyed 326 companies in Germany in 2021, two-thirds of which were from the mechanical and plant engineering, automotive, and electrical industries....
Case Study: The change in working methods due to the coronavirus pandemic and the importance of collaboration in the aftermath
The global spread of COVID-19 has not only challenged healthcare systems internationally, but has also fundamentally changed the way we work and interact with each other. Before the pandemic, virtual collaboration models or hybrid settings were the exception rather...
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