blog – artiClES

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So close and yet so far away?

So close and yet so far away?

Have today's managers already incorporated distance leadership into their DNA? There is no doubt that our working world has changed since the coronavirus and the associated lockdowns. The term "place of work" has taken on a whole new dimension: working from home and...

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My birthday in effectuation mode

My birthday in effectuation mode

or "When life offers you lemons, make lemonade." Effectuation In an increasingly less "predictable" and "foreseeable" environment, causal logic is no longer always helpful in achieving predetermined/agreed goals. The effectuation approach gives us a more flexible...

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Conflict issues? Work topics!

Conflict issues? Work topics!

In one of my last conflict management training sessions, I found the feedback from a participant exciting: "This is no longer a conflict discussion at all, but simply a project meeting." Participants often come to conflict management training with the expectation of...

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