Manager checklist for the successful management of Generation Z employees.

Based on these criteria, we have formulated 15 questions for you in a checklist, the answers to which will give you a quick overview of the extent to which your company is already well-positioned for Generation Z and which screws you might still need to tighten. Take a few minutes for this first stocktaking.

1. working atmosphere and togetherness with a feel-good factor

Does your workplace offer a modern feel-good atmosphere?

Are there sufficient opportunities to cultivate social relationships at the workplace?

Does the company provide for fun at work and togetherness?

2. Work-life balance

Is flexibility truly lived in your company regarding working hours, workplace and work-life balance?

3. leadership without ongoing pressure to perform

Do you regularly discuss mutual expectations, set clear boundaries and explain how meaningful tasks and projects contribute to the overall result?

Do you ensure managers and staff are “on the safe side” with manageable task packages?

Do you show learning potential for employees in the delegation of tasks?

Do you ensure a balance between demanding and encouraging in your leadership?

Do you regularly ask your employees for their opinion and show them that you are genuinely interested in them?

Do you regularly give positive reinforcement and feedback?

4. modern working environment with a future

Does your company use state-of-the-art technology daily?

Do you regularly use social media to communicate with your Generation Z employees?

Do you provide adequate remuneration and flexible benefits for all employees?

Do you offer individual career paths and personalised development opportunities?

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