We use the KODE® competence atlas from Erpenbek and Heyse for competence diagnosis. KODE® is divided into four main competencies:
- Personal competence
- Activity and action competence
- Social communicative competence
- Technical and methodological competence
Each of these basic compentences is devided into 16 specific competences, so that the full KODE® Atlas describes 64 individual competences. For each of the 64 competencies, four so-called behavioural anchors are defined that describe observable behaviours.

In our practise, we have identified four competencies as essential for cooperation in complex contexts.
Please take a moment to reflect on how you, your employees and colleagues perceive you with these competencies.

This gives you an initial picture of where you or the other person currently stands in your perception and where there may be a need for action.
If you are interested in a complete KODE® profile, we will be happy to arrange a consultation appointment.
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