When looking at your organisation’s culture and corporate values and thinking about a “corresponding” match with your own values, it is helpful to take a look in advance at where your motivation actually “comes from”. So join us on a journey into human evolution.

The limbic system is located in the evolutionarily oldest part of our brain, between the cerebral cortex and the brain stem. It is involved in various tasks, including controlling emotions, learning and drive/motivation.

The limbic system is home to three emotional systems:

  • Stimulant system
    Newness, variety, further development, innovation dominate here
  • Dominance system
    This is about power, superiority, control, autonomy, individuality
  • Balance system
    It offers stability, continuity, security, reliability

Each person develops these three systems differently, resulting in different personalities.

We invite you to use the following test to determine what drives/motivates you and what is important to you as a person/what you stand for.

Please complete the questionnaire and evaluate how the limbic instructions are pronounced in yourself.

Short test limbic instructions

Link to the test

Please complete the test and indicate whether the statement is true or not. (Y/N)

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