People you know little about…

This checklist gives an overview of the traps you can fall into when assessing people you know little about.

Selective perception

We tend to perceive only certain behaviors in others. Mostly these perceptions correspond with our already established hypotheses about these people.

The first impression

Scientific studies have found that already after 40 seconds a first impression and first hypotheses about a stranger are formed.

Prejudices and logical errors

Based on our experiences with other people, we create grids that make it easier for us to assess other people.

Overexposure error

On the basis of a concrete observation, hypotheses are formed about other areas of behaviour that are not observed.

The error of the central tendency

We have a tendency to “put everyone on the same page”. The significance of this error lies in the insufficient differentiation of others.

The Mild Error

Even in the case of a mild error, there is a low degree of differentiation in the assessments, and they are in the very positive range.

The Strict Error

The severity error is the opposite of the mildness error. Most assessments are negative.

Self-fullfilling prophecy

“I’ve always known.” Because it is good for us that our prophecies are fulfilled, we do everything we can to ensure that our prophecies are fulfilled.

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