Conflict issues? Work topics!

Conflict issues? Work topics!

In one of my last conflict management training sessions, I found the feedback from a participant exciting: “This is no longer a conflict discussion at all, but simply a project meeting.” Participants often come to conflict management training with the...
Review 2023

Review 2023

Another year has come to an end, and it’s time to take a look back at the past twelve months. As a consultant and coach, I could accompany numerous people and organisations on their journey, support them and celebrate successes together. In this review, I would...
How do I say what I want?

How do I say what I want?

Who doesn’t know the question that arises not only in a private context but also in a professional setting when it comes to expressing criticism, communicating dissatisfaction or demanding something? But especially on the job, a contribution can be made in...
Generation Z – welcome to reality

Generation Z – welcome to reality

Following the generational model, the baby boomers are now reaching retirement age. Currently, the millennials are in their entire working life, and the people born between 1996 and 2012, who are counted as Generation Z (knowing that generational transitions are...
Top 3 tips on saying “no”

Top 3 tips on saying “no”

Do you know this? A colleague asks you to take over a task or do something. You are not responsible for it. Besides, you have more than enough to do yourself. But you don’t want to be seen as unfriendly or unhelpful. Or even offend the other person(s). So you...